On your feature branch, commit whenever you want. Right before doing a pull request/merge, run this command to set all the commit dates to now:
git rebase origin/master --exec "git commit --amend --no-edit --date=now"
(requires at least Git v2.1.4)
and then this to override the remote commits for your branch:
git push --force
To change to a specific date:
git rebase origin/master --exec "git commit --amend --no-edit --date="Fri Oct 31 14:00 1975 +0100""
Create a new branch based on the released tag that needs the fix.
git fetch --tags
git checkout -b hotfix/1-21-fix tags/1.21.0
After adding the fix, merge the branch to main branch, but do not delete the branch yet.
Create a new tag directly from the hotfix branch.
git tag 1.21.1
git push origin 1.21.1